Vitamilk Champ


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q:
    Where is Vitamilk Champ sold?
    Vitamilk Champ is sold at leading department stores and stores nationwide. If you would like to order in bulk quantities (1 crate includes 12 packs or 48 boxes), please contact Home Delivery at 02-090-9889. We offer free delivery in Bangkok and its vicinity.
  • Q:
    How many sizes of Vitamilk Champ are available?
    You can choose 2 sizes of Vitamilk Champ: 180ml (12 baht) and 110ml (8 baht).
  • Q:
    Who is lactose-free Vitamilk Champ suitable for?
    It is suitable for little champs who cannot digest lactose in cow’s milk or are allergic to cow’s milk, as they will benefit from the complete nutrition afforded by Vitamilk Champ. It is good for the development of the brain and body, without adverse side effects.
  • Q:
    Why is Vitamilk Champ good for the development of a little champ?
    Because Vitamilk Champ is the first brand of soy milk that contains all the important nutrients. It’s suitable for growing children (aged 1 year and up) to help strengthen brain development and healthy bodies of the little champs.
  • Q:
    What are some good nutrients for the development of the little champ’s brain?
    Vitamilk Champ contains choline in phosphatidylcholine from natural soybeans, which is a nutrient necessary to create a neurotransmitter in the little champ’s brain. It also offers high levels of omega-369 and vitamin B12 that contribute to the functioning of the nervous system and brain. Also, the variety of nutrients, including high protein and calcium, is necessary for growth of the body.
  • Q:
    What are good nutrients for the development of the little champ’s body?
    Vitamilk Champ provides quality soy protein, high calcium and vitamin D, as well as a diverse array of additional nutrients that are useful for the little champ’s physical development.
  • Q:
    Does Vitamilk Champ also have Omega 3 6 9? I thought those were only found in fish.
    Other than ocean fish, legumes such as soybeans also contain a high amount of Omega 3 6 9. Natural soybeans specially selected for quality especially offer plenty of highly beneficial nutrients.